I love reading to J. Ever since he was in my tummy, I would sit in the nursery and just read out loud to him. I spent countless hours researching books and reading at the book store, looking for books that I enjoy.
Remember – if you’re going to buy a book, it has to be one that you love. Because you will read them 1000x, and if your babe likes that one book you hate… well then, you’re out of luck. So today I’m going to share my recommendation and hope that you enjoy them as much as we do.

Little Owl Lost and Everything is Mama has a sweet and funny storyline. Not to mention beautiful graphics.
One of J’s first favorite books was Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little toes. It’s sweet, yet I like how end of the day all these babies are the same – 10 fingers, 10 toes!
I Love You Through and Through was a gift from my manager before going on mat leave. We’ve read this book as part of our bedtime routine since he was a wee baby.

I enjoyed all these books. I think they all send an empowering message to both boys and girls. Also there’s a Dear Boy version.

From consent, sharing, friendship, and everyday knowledge – I really liked these books for both the storyline and graphics.

These three books are kind of silly and they always give J a giggle when I read them. At first I wasn’t into Moo, Baa, La La La!, but he kept laughing and it turned into one of my favorites to read to him. Press Here was a surprising one for me, it’s interactive and I like the surprise you get every time you turn the page.

Admittedly I don’t let J freely explore all of his books. He’s a big mouther, so he’ll end up eating them or ripping them apart. I have a small collection that I let him “freely” explore (no biting books please – he’ll eat the paper if I let him). Where’s is Baby’s Belly Button and Baby says Peekaboo! are some of his top favorites – he’ll sit for minutes and just flip through the pages and flaps. We also like the indestructible line because he can really freely express himself.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be is a new discovery and currently on my shopping list. It’s a sweet beautiful book that talks about the positive characteristics you would hope your child will gain.
Now I Am Big! Is one of my favorites. I like how simple the book is and it celebrates growing a little older. It’s also not a commonly known book so if you’re gifting the book, chances are they don’t have it.
Those are my top 20 recommendations for now! Let me know if you have recommendations on books I need to check out.
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