Today I want to share one of J’s first toy. If I recall correctly, I introduced this toy around the age of 5 months – when he’s starting to grasp more and teeth on toys.
I like that this toy features both natural wooden tones along with the same stain you can expect on other Grimm’s toys. The beads and bell makes a nice rattling noise that is not offensive – which is a huge plus since mama’s got to listen to that all day long.
From the start, J took a liking to this toy and it peaked at around 7-9 months. He enjoyed teething on it and as he was started to crawl around more, he liked to chase it around. So I would say this toy was heavily loved.

Filled with wooden beads and bell
Made with lime wood and non-toxic water based colour stain
Wood sourced from sustainably managed forests
Made in Germany
Overall I actually liked this toy enough to consider purchasing the larger version. But at 10 months, I’m not 100% sure how interested he will be in it or how long that interest will last. If you’re just starting to dabble in the world of wooden toys, you can purchase the toy off of Amazon to enjoy a lower threshold for free shipping. Otherwise you’ll have to spend around $100-150 with most retailers to get free shipping.

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