I decided to create a discovery basket for baby J when I noticed how curious he was about my diaper caddy and laundry basket. The idea also stems from the Montessori treasure basket, so I decided to take my own spin on it. Instead of purely finding items around the house, I only incorporated a few daily items along with some of his toys.
I decided to mix every day items and toys because it’s easier for me to know that it’s safe for him to explore and I paid good money for him to play with his toys!
- BKR water bottle (***)
- Grimm’s rolling wheel (***)
- Deconstructed Grimm’s Medium Rainbow (***)
- Deconstructed stainless steel Avanchy bowl (***)
- Grimm’s grasper (***)
- Indestructible book (***)
- Wee Gallery puzzle ball (**)
- Skip Hop rainbow (part of trio) (*)
- Peppa bunny (*)
- Wash cloth (-)
- Socks (-)
(***) most played with/favorite
(**) occasionally played with
(*) least played with
(-) did not touch

I love watching what he gravitates towards. I find that he’s particularly fond of silicone items such as the cover of my BKR water bottle, the lid and suction piece of the Avanchy bowl, and the life factory teething ring (not pictured).

In terms of wooden toys, this is probably his favourite right now.

I was trying to sell this one to him for a while. As a baby baby, he wasn’t interested. Now that’ he’s older he likes the balls and the sounds it makes.

This was the first toy he ever played with as a baby. Review to come.
When your babe is still small, I recommend using canvas baskets so that they don’t hurt themselves if they climb into it. Since he’s still heavily mouthing items, I’m very cautious of what I give him. This also relieves the pressure off of me while ensuring his safety.

Originally I was going to change it up weekly, but he seems so entertained that I left it alone. It’s so amazing to just let him crawl around the room and grab his basket when he wants to play.
What are your thoughts on this? Any safe items you recommend that we add to our basket?
Just wanted to let you know some of the images on 2019 posts aren’t working for us :/
thank you Bianca, I have fixed the old image links. Really appreciated your comment. thank you